Why work directly with an offshore company?

In most cases, locally owned IT companies have offshore back offices. These local businesses become the intermediaries and in many cases, they do not have all the skills needed to advise you fully about the options for your project. It means the information will pass through from you to the local office and then back to the developer. This additional step creates more work and increases the chance of miscommunication. At Message Muse, you get to work directly with the development team to achieve your business goals. We respond quickly to your questions and projects are completed on time. Our source team has the knowledge to answer important questions and help you with decisions that will provide efficient and effective implementation of your project.
What other benefits are there for my business and me?
In a word, PRICE. Most local IT service companies enjoy a large mark up. In many cases, that price can be double the cost of the back office that is doing your work. Message Muse can provide those same services more efficiently and at a much-reduced cost. We invite you to compare our pricing to others. We think you will be pleasantly surprised by the savings.
What payment options are available?
A variety of ways to pay and terms of payment are available. We are happy to work with you to accommodate your business needs.
What about the obstacles of working with an offshore company—time zones, language differences, communications?
MessageMuse has designed its operations to cater to the US market. As such communications are done during your work hours and our staff is fluent in English. We communicate using many platforms to make the process convenient for you: GoToMeeting, Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger, toll free phone, and email.
What if I need something finished in a hurry?
Here at Message Muse we know the stress of running a company and that sometimes the traditional timeline for IT services doesn’t fit your business needs. To help you, we offer an expedited service feature for a minimal fee. Refer to the _________ for pricing.
What are the services provided by Message Muse?
Message Muse has a portfolio of services designed to meet your business needs. We offer Digital Marketing, Usability Design, Web Development and Mobility as a suite to support the growth and success of your company or business idea. Services can be bundled to provide a seamless design and strategy at a much lower cost to you.